Tilted Corrugated Plate Oil-Water Separators

Our Tilted Corrugated Plate Oil-Water Separators (TCPS) are simple to operate as they work based on the difference in specific gravity between oil and water. Our separators recover droplets as small as 20-40 microns, reducing oil discharge to very low ppm-levels.

Robustly constructed, our TCPS range from 5m3/hour up to 140m3/hour and can be skid mounted on a concrete construction, with removable plate packs. Above ground tanks are either epoxy-coated or stainless steel, depending on the type of application. Applications include:

  • Oil Surface Drain Water
  • Process Water
  • Refinery Effluent
  • Desalter Effluent
  • Produced Water
  • Cooling Water

Material specifications

TS00510 5m3/HR TCPS 5
TS01010 10m3/HR TCPS 10
TS02010 20m3/HR TCPS 20
TS04010 40m3/HR TCPS 40
TS08010 80m3/HR TCPS 80
TS14010 140m3/HR TCPS 140
TS00520 5m3/HR TCPS 5 Conical Base
TS01020 10m3/HR TCPS 10 Conical Base
TS02020 20m3/HR TCPS 20 Conical Base
TS04020 40m3/HR TCPS 40 Conical Base
TS08020 80m3/HR TCPS 80 Conical Base
TS14020 140m3/HR TCPS 140 Conical Base